Guide to Japan`s Spring

Guide to Japan`s Spring – The best things to do in Spring

Spring is considered as the best season in Japan. But why is that so?
Only because of cherry blossoms? Hold on!
These are many more special things to see and do apart from cherry blossoms!

In this page we will write the best things to do in Japan`s spring,  for you to enjoy your trip to the fullest by viewing cherry blossoms and taking part in spring festivals and events.

So first , Of course, we will first recommend to go to popular places to see the cherry blososm (Sakura) bloom.  
Cherry blossoms bring happiness and beauty to the country and pretty pink flowers transforms the scenery to magical. Cherry blossom viewing (which called – Hanami) is one of the most popular activity in Japan.
There early kind of Sakura that start to bloom from early February, and become peak at mid February. So you actually can enjoy Sakura from winter. The popular sakura – Somei Yoshino type, is the most popular in Japan, and usually bloom from end March to early April.

We made a special page for Japan guide for Sakura destination. 
Be sure to check it out >>>

matsuri Enjoy Spring Festivals

Spring is the season of new starts, school starts in April, and people start living with a new feeling.
Spring is also full of active festivals all around the country. 

tulip Watch other spring flowers

Spring in Japan is the flower season!
So many kinds of flowers blooms in this season, and their own festivals. Each of this flowers, you can find own festival, that celebrate their bloom. A must see for flower lovers!


Shibazakura (Moss-Phlox)



Rapeseed Flowers

Azaleas Flowers

dango Enjoy Spring Menu

Cherry Blossoms are not only for viewing but also tasting.
There are limited menu that released only for this season. Food and drink products with special cherry blossom flavors and cherry blossom colors at shops, cafes and restaurants.
The appearance of the menu change every year, so every year there are many different design.
Don’t miss a chance to taste and enjoy the delicious spring flavors!