Kenrokuen Garden – Japan’s most celebrated landscape garden

Kenrokuen Garden

One of Japan’s greatest traditional-style landscape gardens

It is said to have been begun by the 5th Maeda lord, Tsunonori Maeda. The original garden was called Renchi tei, but was almost entirely burnt out in 1759, and was restored in the 1770’s and became known as Kenrokuen in 1822. It was still not public opened yet, and the garden were constructed by the ruling Maeda family over a period of nearly two centuries.
The garden was opened to the public in 1874.

Why it is one of Japan`s best three gardens

Kenrokuen (兼六園) in Kanazawa is classified as one of Japan’s “three most beautiful landscape gardens” alongside Mito’s Kairakuen and Okayama’s Korakuen

Kanazawa Castle

Kenrokuen is an Japanese-style strolling garden located next to Kanazawa Castle.
The name Kenrokuen means “Garden of the Six Sublimities” 
These six characteristics are spaciousness, seclusion, artifice, antiquity, water sources and magnifient views
And according to the theory this are the six essential attributes that make up a perfect garden. Not every garden in Japan can combine all of these features, which makes it to be one of the three most beautiful garden in Japan, and this is also the reason it has a different look for each season.

During the seasons

The garden’s appearance changes dramatically with the seasons.
In spring – plum blossom and cherry blossoms has over the walking path starting from the entrance facing Kanazawa Castle. In summer –  carpets of green moss flourish in the woods and varieties of flowers that grow in the garden during the warmer summer months.
In autumn – the Japanese maples makes it to beautiful Fall colors garden.
In winter – freshly fallen snow gives the garden a different, attractive seasonal look!
Gardeners tie up trees with bamboo and rope supports called yukitsuri to help them weather the region’s heavy snowfall and maintain their painstakingly cultivated shape.

"Yuki Tsuri"

The Winter

We visited there in the winter season, with freshly fallen snow and gave to the garden a an white attractive seasonal look.

In winter you can see the “Yukitsuri” which refers to the technique of supporting branches with ropes to prevent them from breaking under the weight of the snow, and it is a seasonal spectacle in Kanazawa, where the snow has a high moisture content.
The shape of the suspenders also create a beautiful winter scene that is complete with lamps that light up the trees and a perfect snowy backdrop

 “Yukitsuri” = technique of supporting branches with ropes to prevent them from breaking under the weight of the snow.

Another spot - Golden Ice

There another spot we recommend if you already visiting Kenrokuen, there near the Castle, a Gold Ice Cream
Kanazawa has special Ice cream that made with gold leaf and gold flake (which is called Kinpaku in Japanese) why? Because Kanazawa actually produces over 99% of all the gold leaf in Japan!

The gold leaf is not so much a flavor , it is mostly for a decoration. But isn’t it chic to eat?  

The place is only two minutes walk from the garden. It called “Hakuichi Kenrokuen Store” 


7:00 to 18:00 (March to October 15)
8:00 to 17:00 (October 16 to February)


There a bus from Kanazawa Station

1 Kenrokumachi, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture 920-0936

SweeTrip Japan

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